Tuesday 8 November 2011

City of Losers

On the way to Vegas we stopped off at the Hoover Dam, there was an anti-terrorism checkpoint on the way in and somewhat predictably the soldiers let us through and stopped Dan and Natashja -which obviously had nothing to do with the fact that Dan is not white Anglo-saxon. They asked him why he had taken 4 months off work, he sensibly replied why not?

Entering Vegas, the sunset was amazingly atmospheric.  It was a bit like a futuristic world with planes and cars everywhere, flyovers and flashing neon signs.  Natasha said she could imagine all the huge advertising boards showing personalised adverts.

The most exciting part of our Vegas trip was probably when Fi accidentally turned into three lanes of oncoming traffic! Luckily after a U-turn we got the hang of the one way roads in Vegas

Its kind of weird seeing drunk people walking about in fancy dress at one in the morning without shouting or indeed making much noise at all. We were expecting Vegas to be wild but I think everyone must have lost a lot of money the night we went!

Vegas is not unlike being inside the worlds biggest shopping mall, with each casino being a different level of tackiness - even the nicest ones have a real ephemeral feel to them.

Our hotel room with the lights of LasVegas outside the window

Given our Yellowstone experience we thought 'Wolf Run' might prove lucky - it didn't

A lot of Las Vegas looked like her migraine to Fiona

Three steps from the door and its already too much for Ralph

Coming up Trump

We lost $30 on Blackjack in nearly as many seconds - luckily we left it that and I won it back on the slots later

Anywhere else its just a lift

This is the Flamingo, which has live Chilean flamingos inside - thankfully outside in a courtyard rather than in the gaming part

Dirty Dancy - a film Ralph thinks he may have watched more times than any other heterosexual man on the planet, thanks to his mum and sister Rachel. He won $10.......

a touch of class

Circus, Circus the cut price casino we stayed at - it has a theme park inside that was closed for maintenance

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