Monday 7 November 2011


On our last day we decided to do something we couldn't do on our own, so we went canyoneering (abseiling in the canyons). Although outside Zion National Park on Bureau of Land Management land, Water Canyon was still amazingly scenic and would make the grade for inclusion to the park.

In England we call it canyoning, in America they call it canyoneering. It is a bit like the way they say burgalarize rather than burgle, although strangely they don't say robberize or muggerize!

In order to get to the canyoning spot we had to travel through a polygamous community in Hildale that had broken away from the regular Mormon church.  The houses were absolutely huge and it was kind of sad as every house had large fences, the guide said that they had built them because so many people came to stop and stare at the multiple wives in their traditional dress - the worst part of this was that it made it incredibly hard to get a good look at them!  Our guide for the day had been brought up in a Mormon family and had left the community when he was 22 and had his name removed from the records.

The canyoneering was great fun and Fi braved the heights and cold water like a trooper, even doing the highly technical final absail that 2 others on the trip chickened out of.

heading up Water Canyon

still going up.................

looking cool, though it would probably have helped if I had my legs slightly apart. 


a thing of grace and beauty

Unfortunately I think this may have been the moment I lost my Dads sliver bracelet - gutted!

some of the down was just free climbing

One of the descents ended in the water, needless to say the guide did it a bit quicker than we did

hiding nerves well

Half way down the canyon, we did 5 rappels in all

The final descent, there was a massive overhang which meant a lot of it was done hanging free from any walls

Fi screamed a lot but got down in one piece

caterpillar (contender for best caption?)

Fi on rope coiling duties

This was only the third highest one we did

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