Saturday 18 June 2011

Frogs and fireflies

From new york we we went out to visit a friend of the family who lives in Kerhonkson, an amazing place with a name so crazy sounding if i didn`t know better would make me think that native american/dutch influences must also have come up with biggleswade!

There are frogs here that sound like cows (we looked them up on the internet and they are bullfrogs - not to be confused with the green frogs that are also present but sound like rubber bands being twanged) how cool is that? It's rhetorical don't answer. One night we went out to the neighbours pond to record the calls but we accidentally wiped all our photos - absolutely gutted! NEWSFLASH Our couch surfing host Alex has just recovered some of the pics, a true hero!)


Theres a firefly in there somewhere

Leon, Linda's dog

Amelia, Linda and us

I also thought we were on a flight path until we were told that the lights filling the skies in the fields across from us were fire flies, they are absolutly amazing,but bloody hard to take a picture of as they only light up for a second.
linda made us feel super (i know i am being americanised - look out for me and fi in the backaudience of rikki lake or judge judy sometime soon ) welcome and we felt right at home straight away. she has an ace rescued poodle with a wandering eye like mad eye moody and numerous cats all of which were well friendly. i manged to suppress the 'cat killing native animals ' argument with lindas daughter amelia until the end of the week which is quite good going for me especially as we witnessed the demise of a vole and a chipmunk during our visit.

we significantly upped our wildlife quota during our stay seeing american redstart red carninal, downy woodpecker, chipmunk and woodchuck all on our first walk on the local roads.

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